Brain Analogy


Mental health is the present state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the challenges of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community

With the evolving nature of societies these days the life of each individual has also been evolving.

Time is running at its own pace but our thoughts are running much faster than that. Give yourself a small test. Close your eyes and count the number of thoughts which you can capture in one minute only. Very soon you will realise that its next to impossible to stop the thoughts. The more you try, mind starts it’s machine and then you are in a different world altogether.

Have you ever wondered why this is happening?

The simple answer to this is thoughts never stop whether you are working / sleeping/ walking/ eating or doing any activity. The job assigned to our brain is to think. The only thing which separates homo sapiens from other species present on this planet. The wonders created by us as human beings are the gift of this thinking machine. But machines also need maintenance at regular intervals.

On an average the sleeping time recommended by doctors is at least in the range of 6-8 hours in the working cycle of 24 hours. It may slightly differ according to age groups.

Overall, the brain is essential for enabling an individual to interact with their surroundings, process information, make decisions, and regulate various bodily processes.

There are 11 major systems that is controlled and modulated by our brain. In any given situation the vitals are always being controlled by the brain.

Now after understanding this, we have to take a decision of keeping ourselves healthy. Currently I am 40 years old and have taken various steps which most of us take to keep ourselves healthy. But every time there has been a gap due to various reasons in my particular case. Sometimes its laziness, monotony, procrastination, work, family etc etc…..

In 2017, I took a decision to finally find a balance in life. The journey is still going on and I have achieved quite a few milestones. Thanks to the nature which has been guiding me till now.

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